
Ubuhanzi’s funding for film makers

Tuesday October 23 2018

A traditional music event in Kigali. Govt is investing Rwf300 million in the creative industry. Photo | Andrew.I Kazibwe


The government targets to create 3,000 jobs in an initiative dubbed Ubuhanzi at a cost of Rwf300 million in the creative industry.

Under Ubuhanzi, which was recently launched by Ministry of Sports and Culture and Rwanda Academy of Languages and Culture (RALC), the funds will boost capacity of existing Artists Cooperatives.

Film makers have been complaining of lack of funding to support their production.

“Most people have been acquiring and selling films illegally, but we project investments in a formal partnership with most of these sellers, empower them with modern disc burners equipped with systemised software to help track production and distribution,” said Charles Habyarimana, an official from Kigali Film Distributors Ltd — one of the beneficiaries of the funding.

Habyarimana said sales and distribution had stunted the entire film sector, because it was not well funded and managed.

In addition, Habyarinama complained of piracy, which he said is perpertuated by video jockeys.


“We had raised this, but nothing had yet been done by the government,” he lamented. For smooth sales and distribution, Habyarimana urged the government crack down on illegal sales of foreign movies which have for long suppressed the local films.

After scrutiny of 52 submissions, by the government and University of Rwanda officials, four finalists, from both were cleared to receive funding.